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  • Make sure that nobody but you can scan the QR code or photograph the information at "Manuell einrichten"!

  • You now have the option to choose between (1) and (2) again...

    • (1) If you have a device that allows you to take photos, such as smartphones, then the QR unlock code is easier to use.

    • (2) However, if your device does not have a camera, such as a PC, then you can find the written information in the "Manual Setup" section.

  • Now deal with "Step Schritt 2/2 - Setting up an authenticatorDie Einrichtung eines Authenticators" before continuing in this guide.

  • If you have successfully set up an application in "Step 2/2", do not forget to complete the application process in the myFH portal.

  • To do this, press "NextWeiter".

  • Tragen Sie nun das aktuelle Token aus der eingerichteten Applikation ein.
